Research and innovation

Our goal is to support the digital transformation through research and innovation and create value on a large scale. With our label of “Innovative Company” we rely on our two state-of-the-art units “SmartLAB” and “R & D” to innovate, improve and increase the sum of knowledge.

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Smart Lab

We carry out an active watch on the subjects of innovation and digital transformation to better anticipate your needs. Always at the forefront of new project and management methods, Moneycore helps its clients create added value.

In our SmartLab :

  • A continuous watch on the subjects of digital transformation, project and management methods and technological innovations.
  • Collection and analysis of needs
  • Co-creation workshops
  • Proposal for a MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
  • We involve our clients in the creation process in order to offer them solutions adapted to the needs and evolutions of the market.
  • A test area to imagine and launch innovative solutions

R & D

Moneycore dedicates a large part of its resources to R & D to bring its expertise in technological innovation and to offer innovative solutions that are perfectly adapted to the needs of our customers.

Faced with a constantly changing environment, our teams of engineers and technical experts work together to generate innovative ideas and carry out ambitious research projects in various sectors of activity to anticipate market demand.

Based on a collaborative approach, our R & D team contributes :

  • Knowledge development and sharing
  • To put our expertise at the service of our clients
  • To create a culture of innovation & entrepreneurship
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